Meeting started by mchua at 14:17 UTC
14:27:45 IDEA mchua The goal of the trademark approval process is to make it as much like this as possible: (1) Email us. (2) SLOBs says OK.
14:29:37 IDEA mchua the trademark process doc should reflect this - basically, "The process is (1) email us, and (2) we'll try to respond with a decision within a week, but can't always promise to do so, and (3) we'll generally say yes - see some examples of prior proposals and the discussion about them and how long it took them to go through."
14:30:22 IDEA mchua have a Licensing clerk who's responsible for initially receiving those proposals and helping them go through SLOBs in a timely manner
14:30:33 IDEA mchua create an email alias for said clerk (licensing@sl.o)
Meeting ended at 14:35.

People Present:
  1. mchua
  2. bernie

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