Meeting started by wadeb|w at 12:00 UTC
12:12:52 ACTION wadeb|w write a simple guide to gitorious
12:13:11 ACTION wadeb|w I'd also like to propose some additional activity guides:
12:13:42 ACTION wadeb|w Localization (how to use Python's features, how to set up translation infrastructure like pootle, how to localize things like images, etc)
12:14:14 ACTION wadeb|w Resolution independence. Things like using and not hardcoding font sizes, as well as using Box sizers appropriately.
12:15:45 ACTION wadeb|w Posting. How to release newly developed activities. Our importing frmo d.l.o guide is pretty complete, but we could use something for new activities coming from outside.
12:44:21 LINK cjl
12:56:50 ACTION wadeb|w needs a "reading" or "literacy" or "words" category.
08:39:03 LINK walterbender
09:28:48 LINK garycmartin
09:45:09 LINK garycmartin another Scratch (not from a kid I think, but could be)
11:04:21 LINK caroline this?
11:16:24 LINK caroline
11:27:09 LINK dirakx
12:30:49 LINK cjb is one of his mails about this
12:52:31 LINK homunq
Meeting ended at 19:32.

People Present:
  1. wadeb|w
  2. alsroot
  3. FGrose
  4. valhalla
  5. garycmartin
  6. dfarning
  7. walterbender
  8. cjl
  9. pgf
  10. cafl
  11. sdziallas
  12. loser
  13. bemasc
  14. erikos
  15. tomeu
  16. eben
  17. cms
  18. caroline
  19. mtd
  20. cjb
  21. m_stone
  22. SeanDaly
  23. jt4sugar
  24. mchua
  25. homunq
  26. field_marshal
  27. annette
  28. dirakx
  29. nteon_
  30. dantrix
  31. yamaplos
  32. CanoeBerry
  33. user34u890
  34. xobot
  35. me
  36. Guest80908

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